Infamous 4E'06 , Bad but talented .

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tuesday 30th may
9am to 11am : Chemistry @ Air-Con Study room
12noon to 4pm : Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room

Wednesday 31th may
9am to 10:30am : Maths Paper 1 practice @ 4DE Classrooms
11:30 to 1pm : Geog @ Air-con study room
2pm to 5pm : Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room

Thursday 1st June
9am to 11am: Phycis @ Air con study room
12noon to 4pm Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room
Friday 2nd June
9am to 10:30am: Maths Paper2 pract @ 4DE classrooms
11am to 1pm : Geog @ Air-con study room
2pm to 5pm: Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room
Monday 5th June
9am to 11am: Chemistry @ air con study room
12noon to 3pm: Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room
Tuesday 6th June
10am to 12noon: Geog @ Air-con study room
1pm to 4pm: Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room
Wednesday 7th June
9am to 11am: Physics @ Air con study room
12noon to 4pm: Art/DNT/FNN @ Art Room,DnT room, Fnn Room
Thursday 8th June
9am to 11am: English mock exam paper 1 @ Auditorium

Written by 4E @ 9:39 PM;

Saturday, May 20, 2006

hihi !
well ,
here are some pics that our class took with mr gan ..
i guess these pics will be a good momento for us .. agree ?
he is leaving us next friday ..
less than 10days more ..
awww.. so fast .
shall we fork in abit of money buy our class tee shirt as a farewell gift for him ?
or even throw a farewell party next thurs ..?
plan that on next monday (:

Girls and Guru

Boys and Guru Gan

Zack , Zharif and Guru Gan

Pics of our Guru Gan ! We'll miss him alot alot alot . the best teacher in our Hearts .

We , infamous 4E will ..
miss his Jokes ,
miss his laughter ,
miss his lessons ,
miss his face ,
miss his common word "guys ,this is disaster !!!"
miss him saying "Basket !"
miss him everything !
haiz ..

Written by 4E @ 10:57 AM;

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

hello all !
haha .
tomorrow , 17th may wednesday ,
we will be taking a class photo with mr gan yeah ?
well he is leaving real soon .
taking a class photo with him will be a good momento for us, argee ?
we will all miss him .
so ladies and gentlemen ,
try not to absent yourself tomorrow alrite !
oh ya by the way ,
im currenlty working out on our class tee shirt .
i'll let you all see the design once i have done it ok ?
haha .
i'll post again soon !

- xinhua
i love infamous 4E !

Written by 4E @ 7:45 PM;

Saturday, May 06, 2006

You have spent months preparing for this day. Stay calm, follow our tips and breeze through your exam!

1. Get to the exam room a little earlier so that you will be more relaxed.
2. Keep away from your fellow classmates.
No last minute discussions! That will only send you into the PANIC ZONE!

1. Write your name and class on every sheet of paper.
2. Check that there are no missing pages in your copy of the exam paper.
3. Allocate your time properly.
Stick to your schedule so that you'll have time to answer all the questions.
Spend more time on questions that are worth more marks.
Watch your time like a hawk!

4. Clarify with the examiner if in doubt of anything.

1. Read and follow instructions and questions very carefully.
E.g. if instructions want you to mark "x" for the correct answer, do not "/".

2. Answer the easier questions first.
They give you the boost in confidence needed to tackle the rest of the questions.
Come back to the difficult questions later.

3. NEVER leave questions unanswered.
If you are out of time, give your answers in "point" form.
Examiners award marks for facts and not long sentences.
For MCQs, make a guess if you don't know the answer.
4. Get to the point when answering short-answer or essay questions.
There is no time for flowery language.
Remember KISS - Keep It Short and Simple!

5. DO NOT panic if your mind decides not to function!
Relax and you'll recall what you'd studied.
6. Leave the last 15 minutes to check through.
Look out for omitted questions/facts and errors in spelling, tenses, units, etc..

posted by : xinhua - guys, good luck for the mock exam ! (:

Written by 4E @ 1:15 PM;

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Guidelines on the use of Scientific Calculators in GCE Examinations

The following guidelines are to be adhered to where the use of scientific calculators is
allowed in examinations. Candidates must be informed in advance that:

(a) the calculator must be silent, with a visual display only

(b) the working condition of the calculator (including the power supply) is the responsibility
of the candidates and a fault in a calculator will not normally be considered as
justifying the giving of special consideration to the user

(c) calculator cases, instruction leaflets or instructions and formulae printed on the lid or
cover of a calculator or similar materials must not be in the possession of candidates
during the examination (where the instructions cannot be removed they should be
securely covered)

(d) external storage media, e.g. card, tape, and plug-in modules must not be in the
possession of candidates during the examination

(e) calculators must not be borrowed from other candidates in the course of the
examination for any reason

(f) standard scientific calculators with features such as Fraction calculations;
Permutation; Combination; Statistical calculations such as mean, standard deviation
and factorials; Regression analysis; Complex number calculations and
Polar/Rectangular coordinate conversions are acceptable

(g) programmable calculators and those with permanent features of a programmed kind
such as numerical integration; symbolic differentiation; symbolic integration and
symbolic algebraic manipulation are prohibited

(h) calculators which are able to display graphical representation of functions or data, e.g.
calculators with data banks or graphic displays, are prohibited

(i) calculators with the capability of remote communication with other machines, e.g.
infra-red communication capability, are prohibited

Written by 4E @ 4:18 PM;

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